Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Talking and Not Talking

Today I went to the same talk as yesterday except for it being held at RMIT. It was quite interesting yet again but more so was a talk I had with the guy beforehand. I think it is likely we will stay in contact which is quite nice.

Today I also posted details about my recent talk with Luca. I think it is nice in theory but I am sort of getting cold feet about how to deal with all the issues of this project. Of course I will keep pressing and submitting something every day. If for no other reason, to make people aware about this market spot.

Also. I have realised that using the online interface with Google Groups is a waste of time as it has lost my files a few times. Instead I have started submitting items by sending them to the address. This is good and bad but it does mean I can use Gmail to write up the articles. In this regard I have also removed the prefix which was coming in with the emails because it annoys me that it does not compensate for that in the naming of threads on the groups site.

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