Thursday, August 16, 2007

Review of Review 1

On Tuesday this week I had my review of my first review presentation from last week. A small sheet of paper was handed to me with the following text printed on it:

"Good Progress: It is reassuring that the project is starting to move. You have conceived of 2 sup projects with quite a different focus (sic). You need to consider how you will use these to inform each other and the larger project. There will need to be a conversation between the 2; you also need to elaborate why you chose these to (sic) projects to test you ideas or hypothesis. That said you need to clarify what your hypothesis is."
At the same time a discussion was created around my project including a the few present members of the class. The specifics are not a whole lot more interesting that the review comments however a few things were identified to me. Firstly I realised that the project that I am doing needs to be done, that is the project that I originally set out to do, still needs to be considered. Which is to say that I really do have to come out with some kind of realisation at the end of the semester. A point of learning about collaborative distributed systems or similar things. What that point is, I need not claim now, however some sort of hypothesis is expected to be in the workings and will need to be unveiled at some point. Hopefully before the Mid Semester review. 

Secondly it was made obvious that though involvement may or may not exist it is important that I document my thoughts and reasoning on all the aspects of this project. Not that that is a new idea however it is something I have not done as well as hoped. I need to start writing about every element of choice that has been part of this project to date and that will be part of this project. Especially I need to talk about why I chose the projects I chose and why I should be able to do them. Also I need to look into why this is a valid thing to do not so much what my drive is. 

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