I have jut put up a feed of things that are related to the stuff of this project. This feed will be aggregated from selectively tagged items in my Google Reader list. Here is the page representation of this list and a mini feed is now displayed in the blog sidebar.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Related Online Content Feed
From Mark Whiting at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings, Other Information
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Over the past few weeks I have started working on a few competitions with Soumitri and Liam and yesterday when talking to Soumitri about one we are just starting Malte suggested in passing that I should include observations from these collaborative activities in to Design 2.0. He also suggested I include these things in my review next week. We will see about all this. It is likely I will put up some posts on these matters within the next few days. I think they will be kept separate from the larger work of the Design 2.0 community though.
From Mark Whiting at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A Book on My Sorts of Things
Today I was alerted to an interesting book but my feed reader and a person called Luca. The book is closely linked to my topic of study on this project and would be a really good read I think. The book, "Higher Creativity for Virtual Teams" has been reviewed by Core77 here.
From Mark Whiting at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings, Other Information
Drops are starting to drip
Today the site had its first posts from outsiders. Jenny posted some stuff on her experience with guitar platers.
Hopefully there will be more of this sort of thing in the coming week.
On that note, I have extended the schedule for finding need for one more week because we have the contingency alowance and it is needed.
From Mark Whiting at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings, Other Information
Monday, August 20, 2007
Questions and Answers on Interviews
Today somone sent me an Email on how they were not sure how to do interviews and were having a few other problems. I answered and also told them they should post issues to the forum. I think made a long post on the forum describing some details on how to conduct interviews for this kind of project.
I am not sure why but it seems people are really scared to write on the forum. I wish they would just put everything on there.
Anyway. I think it will start moving a bit more soon.
From Mark Whiting at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings
Thursday, August 16, 2007
New Brief and New Interview
Tonight I posted the Project 2 Brief on the forum and then posted a recent interview with Rob from our class.
From Mark Whiting at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Catagories Documents, Happenings, Interview
On Tuesday, after my review of my review, I was talked to in regard to my book resubmission. It is my strong belief that we should not have to resubmit the book as we were responding to our teachers comments when we submitted the work that we did at the end of last semester. His expectation was that we should provide an extensive context and dialogue of our research and findings during the first semester however when everyone in the class talked of doing a much more interesting document he seemed in agreement. However at the time of grading he was insubordinate to our discussions and gave the majority relatively low marks. In fact I got my lowest mark of my entire university carer.
From Mark Whiting at 10:33 PM 2 comments
Catagories Happenings, Other Information
Review of Review 1
On Tuesday this week I had my review of my first review presentation from last week. A small sheet of paper was handed to me with the following text printed on it:
"Good Progress: It is reassuring that the project is starting to move. You have conceived of 2 sup projects with quite a different focus (sic). You need to consider how you will use these to inform each other and the larger project. There will need to be a conversation between the 2; you also need to elaborate why you chose these to (sic) projects to test you ideas or hypothesis. That said you need to clarify what your hypothesis is."
From Mark Whiting at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Catagories Fixing thinking, Happenings
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Review One
Yesterday I had my first formal review. It was not too bad but I think it could have run a little smother. For some reason I had decided to do it from Compendium early in the afternoon but I had not done everything I needed to to update my compendium database. My Compendium layout is pictured to the right, you can click on it to view it at full size.
During the review a few interesting things were brought up including some aspects of my reasoning for the project and my reasoning for the specific sub projects. Though I had answers as I always will I think these issues are things I should revisit.
In addition to this I was asked a bit about the review methods that will be used at the end of it all. This is something that I have thought about before and had included in my gantt chart however I think I may try to make it a bigger part of what I am doing. One point in particular concerning how people from these fields like working in this kind of environment and how the like being driven by an industrial designer. Especially in regard to the Copyright project.
One other issue of concern was the name of the copyright project which may need revision. I will be talking this over with my Lawyer later in the week.
Last but not least after this was all done and so on I was talking to the editor for the second project's brief and she was quite interested in some of the methods it proposes. To me, as a design student, they are nothing new or interesting, but to her they were really interesting ways to look at issues. The think she liked was the three teared approach to solution storming with a worst case, mad max case and likely case solution set. This interest, however, brought about an awkwardness when she asked ways to apply this method, specifically the mad max case to problems she deals with. I was not sure of the best way and I think I misrepresented the method. I am going to seek council with Soumitri on this matter tomorrow.
From Mark Whiting at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings, requirements
Monday, August 06, 2007
The Brief Second Project
Today I started the brief for the second project. According to the Gantt Chart it is not due for more than a week so I am getting in early. I am also getting at least on member of the team to proof-reed it before it's committed.
From Mark Whiting at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Catagories Documents, Happenings
Charting Key
Last night I added a key to the gantt chart and also added deadline dates and a section at the bottom that outlines all of the school related deadlines.
Here is another link to the chart.
From Mark Whiting at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Catagories Documents
Friday, August 03, 2007
I have come across an interesting open source package called Mindquarry that is designed to help groups work together online. It is not quite ideal for what I am doing however it does seem like it might be a little more specifically designed than they system I we are currently using.
I think if I were to do this project again I might try using software like this as the backbone.
From Mark Whiting at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Catagories Other Information
Writing on the wall
Recently somone in the community found something interesting and then emailed it directly to me. This is nice but an issue as it should have been posted on the community. This problem is a psychological one, I think, and I hope it can be ironed out. If not it may be the downfall of the entire project.
From Mark Whiting at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings
Why the World is Not a Better Place
Last night I came across an interesting movie including the head of the Pirate Party in Sweden. It is part of the Google Tech Talks which are often really good and free. In any case I think though the talk is a little ungrounded it offerers a good introduction to the next branch of my project.
From Mark Whiting at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings, Movie
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Talking and Not Talking
Today I went to the same talk as yesterday except for it being held at RMIT. It was quite interesting yet again but more so was a talk I had with the guy beforehand. I think it is likely we will stay in contact which is quite nice.
Today I also posted details about my recent talk with Luca. I think it is nice in theory but I am sort of getting cold feet about how to deal with all the issues of this project. Of course I will keep pressing and submitting something every day. If for no other reason, to make people aware about this market spot.
Also. I have realised that using the online interface with Google Groups is a waste of time as it has lost my files a few times. Instead I have started submitting items by sending them to the address. This is good and bad but it does mean I can use Gmail to write up the articles. In this regard I have also removed the prefix which was coming in with the emails because it annoys me that it does not compensate for that in the naming of threads on the groups site.
From Mark Whiting at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings, Interview
The Wealth of Nations and P2P
Today I went to a really great talk by a guy called Michel Bauwens who spoke on the implications of various kinds of topology, especially P2P, within various aspects of humanity. He is an interesting man and had a lot to do with the development of the P2P Foundation. I think this is applicable because his talk was really about the benefits of getting people to work for passion not for profit and how that inspires people to do things of much greater value. Obviously this is integral to my Design 2.0 project so at the end of his talk I discussed some of the related issues with him. He encouraged me which was great and also gave me some advice along the lines of seeking interested individuals to take part in my system.
On another note, during my conversation with Michel another member of the audience became involved and we later discussed this project as well as a few similar things. He was a Melbourne University Law student and seemed interested in this area. It is possible that I have found yet another member for the copyright system project.
From Mark Whiting at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Catagories Happenings